Purchase your copy of "Turn The Light Back On"
Instagram: @therealmichellekirby
Website: www.michellekirby.com
Life Coaching Packages:
Please visit: www.michellekirby.com
To schedule a session with Michelle Kirby, please contact Michelle Kirby via e-mail.
Who is Michelle Kirby?
(Excerpt from Michelle Kirby's online Press Kit)
Michelle Kirby was born and raised in the Bronx, New York and she is married to her best-friend. They have 4 beautiful children and reside in South Carolina. Michelle Kirby has seen and lived through a myriad of life experiences, which will soon be shared in her highly anticipate new book being released November 2017.
Michelle's experiences have truly brought her to where she is today. She is passionate in her commitment to empower, motivate as well as inspire those around her to be the very best versions of themselves.
Becoming a Life Coach for Michelle, was and still is to help others by taking them on a self discovery tour of awareness to better equip them to go after life with PASSION as well as to be able to go after their dreams by creating new rituals that end up being new habits and enhance their quality of life.
Michelle's motto is: We should all strive to become all that God has intended you to be.
Stay tuned for up-to-date details on Michelle Kirby's the forthcoming book.