Founder & Owner, India Williams, has created and developed a product that is organic in its composition and how it relates to every woman's journey. There is simply no way to paraphrase who is Rooted Woman.
" Let Us Introduce You To A Rooted Woman
Our nail polish is made in the U.S.A. and is “5 free”, meaning it is as close to organic as possible. The polish is made in small batches, and as such, may reflect slight variation in color. This is by design and in keeping with our standard of being “polished inside and out.”To date, Rooted Woman nail polish is available in 14 shades, each released as part of the brand’s inaugural line, themed Declarations of Faith. A second line, themed A Time for Everything, is underway. For us, developing thematic lines in keeping with what it means to be a Rooted Woman far outweighs following industry protocol, and releasing lines by season.Within each theme, you’ll discover that each polish color is carefully named to exhibit the ethos behind Rooted Woman. For us, these are not just pretty words. Rather, each polish name within our collection is drawn from the raw and often unpretty experiences we’ve endured as women who are ambitious and driven."
Each color with in their "Declaration of Faith" line has a special name anchored in scriptural meaning:
1) Blessed
2) Cloaked in Peace
3) Favored
4) Forgiven
5) Grateful
6) Healed
7) Joyful
8) Redeemed
9) Renewed
10) Unafraid
11) Unashamed
12) Unconditionally Loved
13) Unwavering
14) Victorious
Rooted Woman also has a partnership program:
Rooted Woman loves opportunities to help create and build community among women of faith. We’d be honored to host a Rooted Woman Special Event which can be tailored to fit within your Women’s Ministry offering. From large-scale women’s conferences to intimate small group gatherings, the Rooted Woman message can be a welcome addition to your existing spiritual development activities.
Long after our program ends, we want the Rooted Woman message to leave a lasting impression on your congregation. To that end, Rooted Woman will donate a portion of event proceeds back to the host church.
Our prayer is that we will positively impact the lives of women around the globe.
Rooted Woman x Linda Delores #redeemed August 2016
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